About Us

What is Luns?

Luns. is a mobile media and data company dedicated to kickstart and scale the app growth journey of our clients. We take a collaborative, creative and holistic approach to digital strategy to help agencies, brands, and app developers meet their unique needs.


By ensuring that mobile performance campaigns are targeted and optimize towards user acquisition goals across all markets, our clients are able to focus on what they do best: building great apps and growing successful brands.


How It All Began

What we've been through



Sabia Media was founded by Moshe Sabia


Mobile and Web

We developed our core activity for mobile apps and web desktop


Business Expansion

We expanded our team in Varna, Bulgaria



We created our in-house technology under a new brand called Luns


Kickstart and Scale

 As Luns was born, we started helping app developers find the best users


Growth and Development

Developing Luns as the main focus with creating our own apps

Conferences Events Attended

The fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.
Tropic port aboard this tiny ship a break from all your worries sure will ensure.